Compliments or complaints about Schouten Zekerheid?

Our relations are always our number one priority

It is important to us that you are satisfied about the contact you have with our organisation and our services. That is why we would really like to know if you are not satisfied about any of the above. Compliments or other comments are also always welcome.

How to submit a complaint?

Our employees are happy to help you solve any problem you may have. You can submit an official complaint in the following ways. We will then contact you as soon as possible:
  • Online: by filling in the complaints form below
  • E-mail: by sending an e-mail to
  • Post: by sending a letter to Schouten Zekerheid, attn. the management, PO Box 8789, 3009 AT Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Any form of communication with the word "complaint" shall be considered as a complaint. If you use this word, we will immediately begin to investigate the issue.

When can you expect a response?

You can expect to receive a response from us within 3 business days. Within 3 weeks, we will be sure to respond to your complaint in full. We may occasionally need more time, but we will always respond to you within 3 weeks.

What if we cannot agree?

If you are not satisfied with the solution we have proposed or if your complaint is considered as unfounded, you can submit your complaint within 3 months to the independent Complaints Institute for Financial Services Foundation (Kifid). You can also take your complaint to court. The Kifid does not handle complaints from companies. If your company is not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can submit your complaint before the court.
If you have a compliment or complaint that you would like to share, please feel free to share your feedback with us!

Can we help you further

Please contact us, we are happy to help!

Our legal specialists are at your service and are happy to assist you.
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